Saturday, May 7, 2011

Summer Fires- The Wilderness of Manitoba

"Summer burns us whole again"

It finally feels like summer.  It has been so breezy cool here, like 60 degrees.  I seriously felt like it was still the school year and not summer.  BUT it started warming up yesterday and is 80 degrees today. Time to pull out those skirts and dresses! I swear, I could live in dresses.  Oh, btw, my date went really well :)

   So, this song is really folky, lots of acoustic instruments, natural lyrics, multiple harmonies.  I like folk, not country. This is folk.  I wish it was a little longer though.

The season comes and goes
To leave us where we froze
Growing with the trees
Dying with the leaves
All is well that ends well

Can we ever change
Dancing in the rain
Springtime drums our soul
Summer burns us whole again
All is well that ends well

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