Monday, August 15, 2011

Bad Luck- Hot Chip

"Who let you get on my train?"

I have had such bad luck lately.  I had a horrible end to a long day of work yesterday and was super scared about my job security.  Fortunately, I'm not going to lose my job, but I feel I was close to.  Ugh, what a bad weekend.
 This song is so groovy.  I really love it.  It's like a mix of 70s groove and modern indie.  Really cool.  I think I shall explore more of Hot Chip.

Who let you get on my train?
Who let you pick up the blame?
Who let the dogs out?
Who's gonna clean up your mess?

Fuck you
You fucking fuck
You ain't got nothing
Bad, bad luck
Bad luck, bad luck
Bad luck, bad luck

Bad luck you got in my ring
You dance like you've got
An unenviable case of ring sting
Who let you get in my face?
I ain't gonna clean up your mess (bad luck)
Who told you you could get on this stage?
All dressed up like you're in some kind of rage
All dressed up like you're from some other age

Bet you thought you'd get away
Didn't yoiu, didn't you?
Bet you thought you'd get away?
Didn't you, didn't you?
Bet you thought you'd hide from me?
Didn't you, didn't you?
Bet you thought you'd hide from me?
Didn't you, didn't you?
Bet you thought you'd get away
Didn't you, didn't you?

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