Monday, April 25, 2011

Dory- Grizzly Bear

"I can't describe this problem"

I just bought Veckatimist by Grizzly Bear this weekend.....again I told you I have an addiction with buying things off of Amazon.  Anywho, it's amazing.  Almost a little reminiscent to 70s folk rock like America or like bands but still super modern.  A lot of songs simply envelop you.  Love that feeling.
I like pretty much all of the songs, but Dory sticks out.  It sounds a little creepy but then almost has this weird cartoony vibe (no, it is not about Finding Nemo).  The vocal harmonies are absolutely amazing.....and creepy. 

Wildly coherent in a watery deep
we’ll drop her down to the bottom
we’ll drop her down
like she’s nothing and the water is all

Oh the water is still in a wilder deep
We’ll swim around like two dories
We’ll swim around like two dories let loose in the bay

We’ll miss the eddy
Hold on make steady, go
There is no plenty.
Even keel already, go

I can’t be here all hours
Oh such a riot
I can’t discern this trouble
Oh what a riot I can’t be here all hours
Oh such a riot
I can’t describe…

I can’t be here all hours
Oh such a riot
I can’t describe this problem
Oh what a riot
I can’t be here all hours
Oh such a riot
I can’t describe this problem

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