Sunday, April 24, 2011

Everything's Alright- Jesus Christ Superstar

"Let the world turn without you tonight"

Happy Easter y'all!  Don't worry, I'm not a hick.  But, on this holy day with the extra benefits of candy and easter egg hunts, I thought I should pay some respect to my religion.  I'm not super religious, well actually, I should say that I don't like to flaunt it.  It's pretty private.  Plus, the only super religious thing I do is Lent and pray at night.  Oh, and celebrate the holidays. For Lent though, I gave up saying the Lord's name in vain.  Let's just say that it was a huge struggle.
I've realized there aren't a lot of religous songs out there in the alternative/indie/lo-fi world that are actually postive toward Chrisitanity.  So, I thought that maybe I could get away with a rock opera.  Pretty inventive, eh?  Everything's Alright is from Jesus Christ Superstar and is obviously about Jesus and all his wonderfullness.  I was a theater nerd in high school, so choosing a musical for my song of the day seems fitting.  Anywho, I like the minor major changes and note accidentals all throughout the song.  Groovy.

Try not to get worried, try not to turn on to
Problems that upset you, oh.
Don't you know
Everything's alright, yes, everything's fine.
And we want you to sleep well tonight.
Let the world turn without you tonight.
If we try, we'll get by, so forget all about us tonight

Everything's alright, yes, everything's alright, yes.
Sleep and I shall soothe you, calm you, and anoint you.
Myrrh for your hot forehead, oh.
Then you'll feel
Everything's alright, yes, everything's fine.
And it's cool, and the ointment's sweet
For the fire in your head and feet.
Close your eyes, close your eyes
And relax, think of nothing tonight.

Everything's alright, yes, everything's alright, yes.

Woman your fine ointment, brand new and expensive
Should have been saved for the poor.
Why has it been wasted? We could have raised maybe
Three hundred silver pieces or more.
People who are hungry, people who are starving
They matter more than your feet and hair!

Try not to get worried, try not to turn on to
Problems that upset you, oh.
Don't you know

Everything's alright, yes, everything's alright, yes.

Surely you're not saying we have the resources
To save the poor from their lot?
There will be poor always, pathetically struggling.
Look at the good things you've got.
Think while you still have me!
Move while you still see me!
You'll be lost, and you'll be sorry when I'm gone.

Sleep and I shall soothe you, calm you and anoint you.
Myrrh for your hot forehead/
Then you'll feel
Everything's alright, yes, everything's fine.
And it's cool and the ointment's sweet
For the fire in your head and feet.
Close your eyes, close your eyes, and relax
Think of nothing tonight

Everything's alright, yes, everything's alright, yes.

Close your eyes, close your eyes, and relax

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