Sunday, April 24, 2011

Horchata- Vampire Weekend

"Here comes a feeling you thought you'd forgotten"

I know this is a day late. I'm sorry.  I was super busy yesterday (packing, shopping, seeing scream 4-awesome btw).  But I had a very successful shopping trip....used tons of gift cards and bday money....and bought Vampire Weekend's Contra.  They are my favorite band.  I. Love. Them.  Their music makes me want to go to New England.  Just sounds so northeastern hampton new york boston mash up if that makes any sense.  I also love how they use a wide variety of instruments in their music (especially strings).  Plus, the percussion is also really awesome.  There will probably be quite a few posts about this band in the future.
Besides the obvious Cousins and Giving Up the Gun, one of my favorites on the album is Horchata.  It's actually my ringtone.  I'm not really quite sure what Horchata is.  I heard that it could be like mexican hot chocolate.  I have no idea, I took french in high school. But, anywho, I like the chorus with all the drums.  Plus, Ezra's voice is really cool with all that falsetto and trills.  Love it.

In December drinking horchata
I'd look psychotic in a balaclava
Winter's cold, it's too much to handle
Pincher crabs that pinch at your sandals.

Whoaaaaa ooooh

In December drinking horchata
Look down your glasses at that aranciata
With lips and teeth to ask how my day went
Boots and fists to pound on the pavement
Here comes a feeling you thought you'd forgotten
Chairs to sit and sidewalks to walk on

Whoaaaaaa ooooh

You'd remember drinkin horchata
You'd still enjoy it with your foot on masada

Winter's cold, it's too much to handle
Pincher crabs that pinch at your sandals
Here comes a feeling you thought you'd forgotten
Chairs to sit and sidewalks to walk on
Ooh you had it but oh no you lost it
Lookin back you shouldn't have fought it

In December, drinkin horchata
I'd look psychotic in a balaclava
Winter's cold, it's too much to handle
Pincher crabs that pinch at your sandals
Years go by and hearts start to harden
Those palms and firs that grew in your garden
Are falling down and nearing the rose beds
The roots are shooting up through the tool shed
Those lips and teeth that asked how my day went
Are shouting up through cracks in the pavement

Here comes a feeling you thought you'd forgotten
Chairs to sit and sidewalks to walk on
Oh you had it but oh no you lost it
You understood so you shouldn't have fought it

Here comes a feeling you thought you'd forgotten
Chairs to sit and sidewalks to walk on
Here comes a feeling you thought you'd forgotten
Chairs to sit and sidewalks to walk on

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