Monday, October 31, 2011

Elusive- Scott Matthews

"In her mind, I'm proud to roam"

I am absolutely in love with this guy.  He is like a mix between Jeff Buckley, Nick Drake, and Ray Lamontagne.  So great.  I can't believe I have never heard of him before.  He is so amazing.

This song is so beautiful.  Great lyrics, amazing falsetto, simple accompaniment.  I am seriously in love.

She's a gambler spinning wheels
The poisoned victim a look of steel
The coldest heart you've ever felt
The coldest hands you've ever held

Ticking down on her way
A million miles still no headway
Has her love truly blown
In her mind, I'm proud to roam

She's elusive and I'm awake
Defiantly real, there's nothing fake
A mystery now to me and you
Open my eyes as I'm next to you
She says my destiny lies in the hands that set me free

A wreckless night she hears me breathe
Cursing the skies of this company
You've lost the wisdom deep inside
Her bitterness shows its eye

If it's true, I am doomed.
What more is there, to hold on to
A strand of hair is all I own
A gift to me, this sorry soul

She's elusive and I'm awake,
Defiantly real, there's nothing fake
A mystery now to me and you
I open my eyes as I'm next to you
She says my destiny, lies in the hands that set me free

Something says this ain't right
There's more to her than meets the eye
She comes and goes at any time
Back in my head til another time

She's elusive and I'm awake
defiantly real, there's nothing fake
A mystery now to me and you
I open my eyes as I'm next to you
She says my destiny, lies in the hands that set me free

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