Saturday, October 1, 2011

I Think Ur a Contra- Vampire Weekend

"Never pick sides, never choose between two, but I just wanted you"

I saw my ex (not the creepy one) for the first time since we broke up today at the football game.  It was weird that I kept running into him, especially since I haven't seen him since March.  It was an awkward convo, but nice and friendly.  Short and sweet.  Before he left, he said call me.  I don't know if he means that.  Should I call him? To give you some background, he was the first guy I ever fell in love with.  We hit it off immediately, then he broke it off a few months later unexpectedly saying he didn't have enough time to date.  A week before that, he was making plans for our summer together.
This was my breakup song with this guy.  Pretty much sums up everything.  I think he was a contra and that he lied.  And it still hurts to this day. 

I had a feeling once
that you and I
could tell each other everything
for two months
But even with an oath
with truth on our side
when you turn away from me
it's not right

I think you're a contra
I think you're a contra 
I think you're a contra
I think you're a contra

My revolution thoughts
your little arrows of desire
I wanna trace them to the source
and the wire
But it's not useful now
since we both made up our minds
you gotta watch out for yourself
so will I

I think you're contra
I think that you lie
Don't call me contra
till you've tried

You wanted good schools
and friends with pools
You're not a contra
You wanted rock' n' roll,
Complete control
Well, I don't know

Never pick sides
Never choose between two
But I just wanted you
 I just wanted you
Never pick sides
Never choose between two
But I just wanted you
I just wanted you

I think you're Contra
I think that you lie
Don't call me Contra
Till you've tried


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