Sunday, October 23, 2011

What's the World Got in Store- Wilco

"Take your head off your feet, honey"

My local grocery store sucks.  Seriously, I couldn't find anything that I need today.  I guess that's what you get from living in a small town.  They didn't even have Halloween cupcake paper flutes!!

Grocery Shopping, Ralph Bijker
Wilco is pretty great.  This song especially.  Folky but kind of jazzy.  Really love it.

Take your head off your feet, honey
Cause you've been working hard and I know you're tired
You been trying hard not to think I'm a liar

What's the world got in store
What's the world got in store for you
What's the world got in store for you now
Come on baby somehow, I need you

Do I have to show you how, baby
I'm not trying to knock you out, or was it about
I just now you need your rest I can't say what's best for you
You been working hard and I know you're tired
I've been trying hard not to feel like a liar

What's the world got in store
What's the world got in store for you
What's the world got in store for you now

What's the world got in store
What's the world got in store for you
What's the world got in store for you now

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