Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Night Watch- Tegan and Sara

"I've got grounds for recourse"

There was a point today where I was about to go insane. I'm doing much better now but for a while there I was about to blow up on anyone.  I didn't get much sleep, I was helping mom, which is understandable, but still frustrating.  Also, my dad came in really late to see my mom, and when he got here, he was badgering her with questions and wouldn't leave her alone to just rest.  He tends to panic.  So, I was really getting on my last nerve.  Luckily, I went to lunch and felt better, got away for a while.

 For some reason, I always get Tegan and Sara confused with Shiny Toy Guns.  I guess it's the fact that they have girl singers.  But, overall, I like Tegan and Sara much better.

I've got grounds for divorce
It's in my blood this divorce
I seperate everybody, I need distance from your body
Oh I deserve this anguish on my house

So get away, you cannot follow me
I get away, you cannot follow me
So get away, you cannot follow me
So get away, you cannot follow me
I get away

I've got grounds for recourse
Your lungs fill with discourse
You seperate from my body, you need consistence from somebody
Oh I deserve this angusih on my house

So get away, you cannot follow me
I get away, you cannot follow me
So get away, you cannot follow me
I get away, you cannot follow me
So get away, you cannot follow me
I get away, you cannot follow me
So get away


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