Thursday, June 16, 2011

Oh Phoney- Morrissey

"May this lovely letter reach its destination"

I found out that a very close friend of mine told all of our other friends last year that she didn't like me.  I'm not exactly quite sure when she told them this but it doesn't make any sense.  They said she said she didn't like me because I apparently always wanted to be around her.  Wow, get over yourself.  Plus, I only saw her 3 times after the spring semester for the rest of the year so I really think she is over exaggerating.  And then, when I came back this year for the spring semester, she was the one initiating all the times we hung out.  I feel so betrayed.  I'm not mad that she didn't/doesn't like me, that's her prerogative. What makes me mad is that she had to tell all of our mutual friends, but not me, and then string me along and act like we are still friends.  I wouldn't have fought so much to keep our friendship if I knew it was such a waste of time.  I don't read minds and can't fix anything if I don't know I'm doing something "wrong."
Ugh. So, this song is spot on.  Morrissey is amazing, loved the smiths, love him solo, whatevs, awesome all around. He always creates such weird melodies but they work super well. Plus, he voice is so distinctive and his sound is so quintessentially 80s alternative. 

May this lovely letter
reach its destination
if only
Question one is why do you
pretend that you like me?
Oh Phoney
See how the outside
contradicts what's inside 

Ooo, Who can make Hitler
seem like a bus conductor?
You do, oh Phoney you do

You sing a lovely song to a scale
and the words spell out my name
Oh Phoney
but then you kick me down below
cause you know it won't show
How could you?
See how the outside
contradicts what's inside

Ooo, Who can make Hitler
seem like a bus conductor?
you do oh Phoney oh Phoney you do
you do oh Phoney oh Phoney you do
you do oh Phoney oh Phoney you do

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