Sunday, June 19, 2011

No Sleep- Sam Roberts

"I'm too young to be old"

I didn't get practically any sleep last night because there was a huge thunderstorm outside.  So bad that I actually saw a lightning bolt hit something and make tons of sparks. Freaked me out! It probably had the loudest hail I have ever heard.  And the worst part.....I had to get up at 7 for work.  BUT (here's the killer) my alarm didn't go off! Yeah, woke up an hour late and had only 40 mins to get ready (I don't like to be rushed.) So, a pretty bad morning, I'd say.
I just found this song.  Sam Roberts is a Canadian singer/songwriter and I'm thinking I may become a fan.  This song kind of has a bluesy feel to it but also very indie.  Pretty cool combo.  Plus, who can't love the French at the end!!!???

No sleep
I haven’t slept for a week
And I’m cold
Yeah I’m so cold
She’s right
I should do something with my life
But I’m old, I’m old, I’m getting old
Those eyes
She said they don’t recognize me
Those lips
They’re never calling my name

It feels so heavy
Feels so heavy, heavy
I’m waiting for a Saturday
Waiting for a Saturday
And I’m too young to be old

Une fille, Jolie
Passé tout près de moi
Elle arrêtait le temps
Au coin de Ste-Catherine et St-Laurent

It feels so heavy
Feels so heavy, heavy
I’m waiting for a Saturday
Waiting for a Saturday
And I’m too young to be old

Elle me regardait
Et elle souriait
Elle m'a fait penser à rien en ce moment
Et comme le vent elle s’en allait
Et moi je suis réveillé
Oui moi je suis réveillé


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