Thursday, September 15, 2011

Rise Above 1- Reeve Carney ft. Bono, the Edge

"I still hang on every word"

I am in love with Reeve Carney.  AND I JUST FOUND THAT HE WILL BE PLAYING JEFF BUCKLEY IN THE UPCOMING BIOPIC!!!!!! Bah. so perfect.  I would have chosen James Franco initially, but this guy is pretty awesome.  Unlike the upcoming movie "Greetings from Tim Buckley," this movie is actually fully supported by Mary Guibert, so you it is going to be extrememly accurate.  Again, though, I would like to emphasize that I am a little concerned for the sudden interest in J-Buck.  I am afraid he is going become a product, instead of the genius that he is.  Also, I'm sure he didn't want this to ever happen.  He said once in an interview when asked what he wants to be remembered as "a friend." He also wanted the music to be remembered.  So, I'm guessing he didn't want to be glorified by Hollywood or the music industry, even though he should rightfully be.
This song is alright.  I wish Reeve would sing more in it.  It's on VH1, so maybe more people will become accustomed to his name.  Regardless, he is an awesome singer, very similar, but raspier, to Jeff Buckley.

And you said rise above
Open your eyes up
And you said rise above
But I can't, I can't

How long will it take
Before these feelings, go away
How much longer must I wait
And are there any real answers, anyway, yeah

Your silence in a crowded room
Louder than the loudest tune
I hang on every word

And you said rise above
Open your eyes up
And you said rise above
But I can't, I can't

I miss you in everything
I was too fast travelling
To take you in
I know that silence is no crime
Just wish I could hear you fill it up
One more time

Yeah, I know what you'd say to me
Exactly what you'd say to me
I still hang on every word

And you said rise above
Open your eyes up
And you said rise above

In a time of treason
Is there time for trust
Where there's no them
Only us
Is there time for reason?
Has your heart had enough?
Is it time to let go
And rise above?

And you said rise above
Open your eyes to love
And you said rise above

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