Monday, September 12, 2011

Stay Away- The Honorary Title

"Separate yourself from what compels you to relinquish us"

Sorry it's been a few days.  I had a crazy busy weekend.  Went to Blink-182 concert (which was actually more awesome than I thought it would be) and the ren fest.  In other news, my creeper ex has recontacted me after I THOUGHT I had gotten rid of him.  Seriously, we were together for 2 weeks, 4 MONTHS AGO. And he still isn't over me.  Seriously getting creeped out.  Just go away man, I'd rather be single than be with you.
I just found this song on my itunes (I know, I should probably know my library better) and its pretty catchy.  I like the dude's voice.  And the falsetto background singers.  Gotta love male supremes.

Are you not the slightest bit confused
Just the truth
The speed at which we move blends so well
It's too soon

Separate yourself from what compels you to relinquish us
Push your weight on to me entirely
Stay away from me, stay away from me now
Less you're gonna see, Less you're gonna see me out

No, I can't dance less it's slow or sad
To a song that’s far less obvious
If you're using me, do it slowly
Make it last until I have to go

Trust me when I say just a few more weeks
Don’t move
Resist temptation
Or do you see fit, just choose

Separate yourself from what compels you to relinquish us
Push your weight on to me entirely
Stay away from me, stay away from me now
Less you're gonna see, Less you're gonna see me out

No, I can't dance unless it's slow or sad
To a song that’s far less obvious
If you're using me, do it slowly
Make it last until I have to go

No, I can't dance unless it's slow or sad (Did you notice?)
To a song that’s far less obvious (Did you notice?)
If you're using me, do it slowly (Did you notice?)
Make it last until I have to go (Did you notice that I?)

No, I can't dance unless it's slow or sad (Did you notice?)
To a song that’s far less obvious (Did you notice?)
If you're using me, do it slowly (Did you notice?)
Make it last until I have to go (Did you notice that I?)

Stay away from, stay away from, stay away from me
Stay away from, stay away from, stay away from me
Stay away from, stay away from me

9-9: Always- Blink 182

9-10: There is So Much More- Brett Dennen

9-11: American Hearts- Piebald


  1. Just wondering, did you clearly state that you do not feel the same way about him, and that his behavior is making you uncomfortable?

    Is your ex-boyfriend an emotional person to begin with?

    Could you please share your opinion about this song? (


  2. Thanks for your comment! I did clearly tell him that I did not feel the same, several times. I haven't, however, told him that his behavior is inapropriate because I haven't heard from him in 3 months until this weekend, and all we talked about was the concert and school. I know some people may think I could be overreacting, but the thing to remember is that we weren't friends before we dated. Literally, I only knew him from the 2 weeks we dated, so there is no reason to catch up like he wants to. There was no friend attachment. He also proceeded to insult my background and music taste. Yeah, really. I do plan, though, to confront him about it the next time he approaches me. I will be civilized and polite the first time, but if he continues to advance forward, then I will have to get blunt. The scary thing is that one of my friends knows of him, saying that he gets legitimately obsessed with girls. Truly, I am scared of what he could do. He is a country boy (no problem with that) but knows a lot about guns. He once named what type of gun he heard from a shot in the distance. Frightening. I think he does seem to be an emotional person. When I broke up with him, he texted me everyday for several days after saying how he couldn't sleep and that this was really hard on him. We have to remember that I only went on 3 dates with him over a two week period, 4 months ago.

    As for the song (sorry about the above novel lol), I really like it. It is very raw and relatable. I think people who have fallen in love (not after only 2 weeks) and lost love can really understand the meaning. I also really like how the ending just ends, without a resolution in the music or lyrics.

  3. Some people prefer/want to be (or remain as) friends even after an intimate relationship didn't work out. This usually happens when s/he feels that they made an unique legitimate connection with the other person, something that is worth the trouble. However, s/he generally asks if being/staying as friends would be possible between them, which he didn't do..

    Maybe, being a sensitive guy, he invested (emotionally) too much into the relationship, so much so that he could not get over you? Or, he could not just get over the fact that you broke up with him?

    Insulting you could be a ploy in order to get your attention.

    Caution is the parent of safety. Hence, if you were to meet him, it would be wise to do it in a public place (preferably with security cameras and personnel), somewhere generally safe and secure but not too crowded. You should also get a pepper spray, if you don't have one already.

    Wouldn't it be better to meet him and explain the whole situation rather than telling him not to do certain things the first time around? It also somewhat gives you a strategic advantage. You can do it over phone but nothing seems to be as effective as direct human interaction when you want to get a message across.

    Thank you for sharing your opinions/thoughts about the song.

  4. You have such good advice! Thank you!

    I completely understand about the "being friends with your ex" thing. I actually strongly encourage it. But as in this case, I find it hard to be friends with someone you were never friends with before you dated, or when it was never requested (as you mentioned.)

    But thanks again for the advice!

  5. Does anyone know about stay away video? I just searched it everywhere. Here is the only place that i found the video link, but it's blocked.
